Writing Re-Enlightenment

Battle Flag ( No matter how noble our intent, using Confederate imagery has no honor #takeitdown)

Posted in Uncategorized by Caralyn Davis on June 26, 2015

I’ve lived my entire life in the South, first Georgia and now North Carolina, but I’ve never paid much attention to the Confederate battle flag, the so-called stars and bars. Despite some ancestors who fought for the Confederacy and several childhood family vacations spent navigating cannons, split-rail fences, and museums filled with the tattered remnants of soldiering at Civil War battlefields, I didn’t associate the Confederate flag with my Southern heritage. However, I didn’t particularly associate it with present-day racism, which seemed more insidious and less blatant.

Read the rest of my new essay at Killing the Buddha: http://killingthebuddha.com/ktblog/battle-flag/

My Short Story “Say When” Published

Posted in Uncategorized by Caralyn Davis on January 5, 2013

My short story, “Say When,” has been published at Deep South, an online magazine featuring all things Southern.

As a friend of mine said, when a telephone “brays” in the first line, there is a definite drawl to the piece. But before cell phones and ring tones, that’s what land lines did. The phones were like little donkeys calling out for food and a good petting.

The story may amuse (or horrify) — and it’s free.

Bird. A Southern one. Lura Lee Biddix loved to watch the birds.

Bird. A Southern one. Lura Lee Biddix loved to watch the birds.